Meet the Teacher! – see the Events page for more info.
Time to get school supplies for next year! Click here for more info.
Not PTA Member yet? Join here!
The OHE PTA is proud to be a 2020-2022 National PTA School of Excellence!
What the OHE PTA does
What is the OHE PTA?
The Oak Hill Elementary Parent Teacher Association (OHE PTA) is a partnership between Oak Hills parents and school faculty.
Who is the OHE PTA?
The OHE PTA is you, me, the children, the teachers, the staff and the community at large. Together we can make a difference.
What our PTA does
We enrich students’ lives and build a sense of community for all OHE Eagles. We also provide financial support to OHE through many avenues.
Order School Supplies for 2023-2024
It’s time to order school supplies for next school year! Order your supplies by June 20th, 2023 and they will be delivered directly to your classroom by the first day of school!
Order here:
School Code: OHES001
As a reminder, our PTA does this for your convenience (not a fundraiser). If you’d like to pickup your own, here is the list in English and Spanish.
Questions? Contact
Reading Rangers
Reading Rangers is a program designed to give first grade students individual support in reading. This program runs from October – May. Volunteers meet with the same student(s) each week Mon-Thur (1-4 days/week) from 7:45am – 8:15am. OHE PTA provides volunteer orientation/ training and materials. All community volunteers are welcome (parents, grandparents, neighbors, high school and college students, etc.). Email to learn more.