For 2023-2024, your PTA contributions helped us impact the community in the following ways:
- $18,200 went directly to the teachers to use for their classrooms and grade levels
- $10,900 went towards refreshing the annex and other construction supplementation
- $8,300 towards school wide community events (carnival, ice cream social, etc)
- $7,500 towards supplementing field trips
- $7,000 paid for school enrichment performances and presentations (including author visits)
- $6,000 paid for electronic subscriptions to enhance classroom learning
- $5,800 towards providing meals and gifts for the teachers (campus and staff appreciation events)
- $5,700 towards grounds maintenance and improvements
- $4,300 towards providing snacks for students
- $3,100 paid for field trip T-shirts
- $3,000 towards providing three scholarships for past Oak Hill students
- $2,700 to purchase a new laminator for the school to use
- $2,350 to purchase new books for the library
- $1,400 towards graduation
- $1,100 to purchase a xylophone for the music classes
- $1,000 towards Leader in Me materials