Project Funding Committee

What is the Project Funding Committee (PFC)?

The OHE PTA Project Funding Committee determines how to spend PTA money not already allocated in the budget. Our goal is to ensure that the funds are properly spent on items that benefit our school. We work with the Strategic Planning team, Campus Area Council (CAC), and various parent & faculty representatives to make sure that expenses benefit the students and faculty at OHE.

Requests for funds from the OHE PTA can be made by faculty, parents and community members. Items are then reviewed and approved if they fulfill the committee checklist criteria.

To Request Funds complete The Project Funding Committee Request Form.

    Member requirements:

    • must be a PTA member (paid your annual membership)
    • must be present at a minimum of 5 of the 7 scheduled meetings
    • must have a child currently enrolled in OHE K-5th grade or be a current member of the OHE faculty/staff
    • must be able to represent the entire school population and not just your child

    If you have any questions or would like to serve on the committee, please contact